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Advanced Diploma
of Drilling Management

Nationally Recognised Training Logo

The RII60415 Advanced Diploma of Drilling Management prepares individuals for managerial roles in drilling operations. It covers project planning, risk assessment, and compliance.

Course Description:

The RII60415 Advanced Diploma of Drilling Management is a comprehensive course that provides advanced skills and knowledge in managing drilling operations. It covers project planning, risk assessment, compliance, equipment, and data analysis. Practical training is included, preparing individuals for managerial roles in the drilling industry.

Mode of Delivery:

Workplace Based Training

Course Duration: 

12 Months

Cost: $1210.00


Competency Elements:

The following provides the packaging rules for this qualification, followed by the list of relevant units of competency.


Total number of units = 11


8 core units plus

3 elective units, of which:

at least one (1) must be chosen from the electives

no more than two (2) may be chosen from elsewhere within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course.


All elective units selected from outside this qualification must reflect current occupational and learning outcomes of this AQF qualification level.

Core units of competency


BSBMGT605     Provide leadership across the organisation.

BSBMGT617     Develop and implement a business plan.

RIICCR601D     Manage customer relationships.

RIIENV601D     Establish and maintain the environmental management system.

RIIGOV601D    Establish, maintain and develop a statutory compliance management system.

RIIOGD504D    Manage drilling operations.

RIIRIS601D       Establish and maintain the risk management system.

RIIWHS601D    Establish and maintain the WHS management system.


The elective units are chosen by Academy, through extensive industry consultation. Academy can create custom courses on request, get in touch today to design your course!

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